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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9/2013Altered expression of cyclin A 1 in muscle of patients with facioscapulohumeral muscle dystrophy (FSHD-1)Anna, Pakula; Joanna, Schneider; Jürgen, Janke
29/12/2017Antennal olfactory responses of adult meadow spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius, to volatile organic compounds (VOCs).Giacinto, Salvatore Germinara; Sonia, Ganassi; Marco, O Pistillo
8/2012Association between tetrodotoxin resistant channels and lipid rafts regulates sensory neuron excitabilityAlessandro, Pristerà; Mark, D Baker; Kenji, Okuse
3/9/2015Associations of Bone Mineral Density with Lean Mass, Fat Mass, and Dietary Patterns in Postmenopausal Chinese Women: A 2-Year Prospective StudyYongjie, Chen; Jing, Xiang; Zhiqiang, Wang
1/2014Both neurons and astrocytes exhibited tetrodotoxin-resistant metabotropic glutamate receptor-dependent spontaneous slow Ca2+ oscillations in striatumAtsushi, Tamura; Naohiro, Yamada; Yuichi, Yaguchi; Yoshio, Machida; Issei, Mori; Makoto, Osanai
2014A century of change in Kenya's mammal communities: increased richness and decreased uniqueness in six protected areas.Anikó B, Tóth; S Kathleen, Lyons; Anna K, Behrensmeyer
2018Cocoa Farmers’ Compliance with Safety Precautions in Spraying Agrochemicals and Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in CameroonAbayomi Samuel, Oyekale
8/2014Collagen can selectively trigger a platelet secretory phenotype via glycoprotein VIVéronique, Ollivier; Varouna, Syvannarath; Angèle, Gros
2018Comparative study of artemether and quinine treatment in severe and complicated falciparum malaria at Balikpapan General HospitalE., Tjitra; S., Oemijati
2018Correction: Postnatal Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Related to Behavioral Problems in ChildrenJulie, Chastang; Nour, Baïz; Jean Sébastien, Cadwallader
2/2013Decision rules and group rationality: cognitive gain or standstill?Petru, Lucian Curşeu; Rob, J G Jansen; Maryse, M H Chappin
10/2014Divergence of gene body DNA methylation and evolution of plant duplicate genesJun, Wang; Nicholas, C Marowsky; Chuanzhu, Fan
10/2014Drinking patterns and alcohol use disorders in São Paulo, Brazil: the role of neighborhood social deprivation and socioeconomic statusCamila, Magalhães Silveira; Erica, Rosanna Siu; James, C Anthony
1/9/2016Hepatic Fgf21 Expression Is Repressed after Simvastatin Treatment in MicePanos, Ziros; Zoi, Zagoriti; George, Lagoumintzis
2/2/2017Identification of a large, fast-expanding HIV-1 subtype B transmission cluster among MSM in Valencia, SpainJuan, Ángel Patiño-Galindo; Manoli, Torres-Puente; María, Alma Bracho
8/2012Identification of protective pneumococcal T(H)17 antigens from the soluble fraction of a killed whole cell vaccineKristin, L Moffitt; Richard, Malley; Ying-Jie, Lu
15/6/2016Improving Accuracy and Temporal Resolution of Learning Curve Estimation for within- and across-Session AnalysisMatthias, Deliano; Karsten, Tabelow; Reinhard, König
2018Joy, Exercise, Enjoyment, Getting out: A Qualitative Study of Older People's Experience of Cycling in Sydney, AustraliaAlexis, Zander; Erin, Passmore
2013Joy, Exercise, Enjoyment, Getting out: A Qualitative Study of Older People's Experience of Cycling in Sydney, AustraliaAlexis, Zander; Erin, Passmore; Chloe, Mason
30/11/2017Measuring stigma affecting sex workers (SW) and men who have sex with men (MSM): A systematic reviewAlanna, Fitzgerald-Husek; Michael, J Van Wert; Whitney, F Ewing